February 9, 2018 / Comments: 0

How to implement Image LightBox to gallery?

How to implement Image lightbox on LPG? Today we are going to look into how to implement a jQuery ImageLightBox plugin into Light-weight PHP gallery which was disscused in the previous tutorial. Firstly, we will look into the basics of how to configure the plugin to work on the gallery as well as some of the basic plugin's features, such as overlay and close button....

Tags: gallery  php  jquery  css  

January 5, 2018 / Comments: 0

What are CSS sprites and how to create them?

What are CSS sprites and why use them? Update: Please note that the layout has recently been changed and that the side navigation on desktop no longer uses images but what is said in the following article still remains true. Basically, in one sentence, CSS sprites are images that contain more than one image together as a single file. While this may seem counter...

Tags: css  

November 30, 2017 / Comments: 0

How to create ADD, EDIT, DELETE system using PHP?

PHP and MYSQL event(ADD/EDIT/DELETE) system In this tutorial we will take a look at how to create a basic event system using PHP and MYSQL. The system will have an option to add, edit and delete events as desired. It will contain two files, one for manipulating events and the other to display the output. The former I will name addeditdel.php and the latter...

Tags: php  mysql  html  css  

September 7, 2017 / Comments: 0

HTML & CSS basics for beginners

HTML and CSS basics for beginners Anyone trying to make a website will have to go through HTML and CSS, there is simply no way around it. And anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can practically make a type of website that doesn't include interactivity with users, such as portfolio sites, information or presentation sites, bascially anything that doesn't...

Tags: html  css